A blind girl regains her sight and finds her sister and the man she loves making a fool of her. She dies.
Witwit Ako, Amaw Ako!
A man who tries to impress a girl with his false pride ends up in jail for threatening his rival suitors.
Ilawom sa Buwan
The call to fight for his country keeps a man away from his pregnant wife. Coming home he sees her dead beside her newborn child.
Matuod nga Hukmanan
This story asserts that justice is nowhere to be found in this world. God is the only true Judge.
A man who works hard to earn money for gifts to his loved ones, comes home to find them gone.
Pangigi kun Pasangil?
A third-prize winning piece in a short story writing contest held during the fiesta of El Pardo, Cebu City in 1921. It tells of widow’s dilemma in choosing a husband between two former suitors.